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Faraday Institution Conference 2023

Faye Holloway • August 9, 2023

The Faraday Institution Conference returns this year to University of Birmingham’s Teaching and Learning Centre.

In-Person| Uni of Bham

11th - 13th September

This year's conference theme is 'driving towards sustainable electrification on the UK', with nine sub-themes delving into cross cutting topics across the conference programme.

UKBIC will be taking part in two sessions on the final day of the conference:

09:00 - 10:30 - Battery applications and requirements - "bridging an academia/industry divide?"

This theme 7 discussion will be chaired by University College London's Professor Jawwad Darr, and feature invited speaker Martin Dowson (WMG, University of Warwick) who will discuss ‘Strategic Industry Drivers for Academic Research’.

Selected speakers include Govinder Pawar (UKBIC), Scott Millen (Queen's University Belfast), Iain Aldous (Swansea University) and Haijun Ruan (Coventry Uninversity).

10:30 - 11:00 - Career journeys from academia to industry

UKBIC's Dr Laura Driscoll is taking part in a  panel where she will discuss her personal career journey from pHd researcher to Senior materials Scientist at UKBIC.

Laura will be joined by other invited panel speakers Dr Yashraj Tripathy, (About:Energy) and Daisy Thornton (Rimac Energy), chaired by Fran Long (Faraday Institution).

You can learn more about Laura's career journey in her recent interview for International Women in Engineering Day, here.

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